FlexSelect Benefits Enrolment Solution

FlexSelect Benefits Enrolment Solution

Designed with the human resources professional and plan members in mind, the FlexSelect Benefits Enrolment Solution simplifies flexible benefits plan administration and collection of plan member choices each year.

This web based tool simplifies the enrolment process for the flexible benefits plan administrator by providing the ability to securely manage and monitor the progress of plan member selections, and to generate the necessary letters required to communicate with plan members.

Flexible benefit plan members log in to a secure and intuitive web site to confirm their details and to choose how to spend their available flex credits, within the configured rules for your flex benefits plan. Plan members are free to try various combinations of options before making a final decision.

Click Here to Visit the FlexSelect Demo Site

Plan Administrator

  • Integrates with Excel or other CSV data formats.
  • Generate individual enrolment letters with unique passwords for each plan member.
  • On making their selection, plan members return a signed enrolment form as confirmation for your paper records.
  • Each member's enrolment form is uniquely coded to ensure that the signed form returned to you is the one that matches the member's most recent online selections.
  • Enter the unique code from each returned enrolment form to lock in the member's selection and prevent further changes.
  • Monitor selection progress across all plan members, including members who are in the process of making selections and those who have not yet logged in.
  • Generate enrolment confirmation letters for each plan member detailing their selections.

Plan Members

  • Receive personalized enrolment letters with their secret password.
  • Can log in to the FlexSelect web site from work or home.
  • Can take their time trying different combinations of options before finalizing their selection.
  • Receive a letter confirming their enrolment into the plan and the options they have selected.


  • A web-based tool to manage and simplify selection of flex plan options
  • Secure, hosted, web-based solution - zero hardware costs
  • Printed member enrolment forms that are signed and verified for a permanent record
  • Configures to your existing plan rules
  • Customized per your specific requirements
  • Easily implemented - an externally managed solution
  • We offer a fully hosted and managed solution.
  • Yes, we're looking for a web based enrolment tool.
  • We want to replace our existing computerized enrolment system.
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